SOLD Scottish Regimental Dirk . DW141

Scottish Regimental Dirk. Marker marked on blade: Gemmell & Co, 4 Royal Exchange Sq, Glasgow. Straight blade with notched spine. Double engraved blade with wear, spotting, graying, and several small edge nicks. The handle (hilt) with brass ferrule molded with thistles, ebonized basketweave grip set with brass-headed tacks. The front lower section with brass plate molded with thistles with the brass pommel designed with thistles and leaves and fitted with a cairngorm stone in the pommel. Large chipping in top pommel stone. Original black leather scabbard, the brass mounts molded with thistles and blossoms, the throat with regimental devices attached and scabbard with original knife and fork which both have cairngorm stones in pommels as well. Blade length approximately 12 inches, overall length approximately 17 3/4 inches. I believe this one is pre-WW1 era. Worn condition.


ADDITIONAL NOTES: The cairngorm is known as Scotland’s national gem. These stones rose in popularity during Queen Victoria’s reign as she embraced her Scottish heritage. By the mid-1800s, wearing tartans and Scottish jewelry became commonplace in imitation of the queen. The most popular stone used to decorate these designs was the cairngorm. Cairngorms vary widely in color. The most common examples found in jewelry vary from brilliant orange and amber to light yellow and brown.


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See Additional Information for shipping dimensions. 

Additional information

Weight 57 oz
Dimensions 18 × 4 × 4 in

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