US M1902 High-Grade Presentation Officer Sword . SU103


United States M-1902 High Grade Presentation Army Officer Sword with sword knot. This is not the standard M-1902 Army Officer Sword. This has gilded fittings and enhanced cross guard basket with a very nice eagle design with enamel work. Also, very nicely decorated scabbard. Blade is marker marked: The Henderson Ames Co. Kalamazoo Mich. The blade is also named with presentation information to on dedication panel (appears to be from what I can make out of the fancy script): Presented to Gerald W. Kanouse by the Authorities of St. John’s Military Academy in Recognition of Services Rendered June 1907. Blade length approximately 30 1/4 inches, overall length approximately 35 inches. Worn condition. Very nice-looking M-1902 High Grade Presentation Army Officer Sword.


Additional Notes: St. John’s Military School, located in Salina, Kansas, was a private boarding military school for boys. By 1907, the school had been operating for about 20 years since its founding in 1887. At that time, the school was undergoing changes in leadership and policies. For instance, in 1906, a new policy was introduced that restricted enrollment to boys aged 14 and older. By 1907, the school had 59 cadets enrolled.



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Additional information

Weight 64 oz
Dimensions 38 × 8 × 5 in

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